The Prophet ﷺ said,
"A house will be built in Jannah for every Muslim who offers twelve Rak`ah of optional Salat other than the obligatory Salat in a day and a night (to seek the Pleasure of Allah).'' [Muslim].
“Whoever preserves four Rakats before Thur and four after it, Allah will make him forbidden for the Fire.”
“The two rakaats before dawn (fajr) prayer are better than the world and all that it contains.” Narrated by Muslim.
The most beloved prayer to Allah is that of Dawood and the most beloved fasts to Allah are those of David. He used to sleep for half of the night and then pray for one third of the night and again sleep for its sixth part and used to fast on alternate days.” – Sahih Bukhari:
SubhaanAllah beautiful rewards for some extra prayers. In this course we will stay about the Sunnahs, virtues & rewards of offering optional prayers like the 12 Muakiddah, Tahajjud, Duha, Istikhaara, Funeral, Eclipse, Eid & Witr prayers.
Class Curriculum
First Section
Class 1 - Sunnah Prayers
Class 2 - Sunan Al Rawatib
Class 3 - Night Prayers
Class 4 - Witr & Duha
Class 5 - Istikhaara
Quiz - Mid Terms
Second Section
Class 6 - Salatul Janazah
Class 7 - Eid Eclipse & Rain Prayers
Class 8 - Tawbah, Tasbih & More
Class 9 - Sunan of Prayers
Class 10 - Khushoo
Quiz - Final Exam
I like the class about night prayers the most, I told my relatives about it, I also like levels of prayer, at first I thought that I will never go to higher levels, but this course showed me that I can do that with patience and persistence InShaAllah. This course in very beneficial, every single muslim has the right to be taught about Sunnah Prayers in his/her language, that's why I try to teach people who don't know English here by translating the information. I thought that this course will be easy and boring since we know and implement Sunnah Prayers, but it turned to be very interesting and surprising, we do many things wrongly. I like the Khusoo class which is the most helpful for my heart.
This course increased my love to prayer, and encouraged me to teach my family and friends about the true sunnan of prayer, now I'm more confident while offering my prayer that it's being offered the correct way. Also this course increased my love to the Prophet and to Islam in general.
Seema N. Istaytieh - Palestine
I am really happy with this course as I learnt a lot about Sunnah prayers in detail. Alhamdulillah! I was really excited to read and learn more before every lesson.
Would definitely recommend. It is filled with good knowledge and an amazing description of every Sunnah prayer about which every Muslim should know about.
Samah Akhter - United States
"Alhamdulillah the course was very beneficial. It detailed explained the various sunnah salahs and the prayers that are not legislated in sunnah like salah hajah , shukr, tasbeeh with differences of opinion but concluded as not sunnah .
Then it reminded the great rewards of night prayers , witr prayer and the sunnahs of prayer.
Most greatly it reminded the important point needed in salah that is about khushoo and various ways we can gain it.
Saman Sufyan - Pakistan
This course is really very important for each and every muslim who wamts to please Allah . The most important part of the course is you have simplified in such a way that even all are attracted towards this course to follow to gain the gifts from Allah. I myself personally attracted towards the virtues and benefits of these simple sunnah prayer.
Damda Fakhi Mohamed Sanaullah - UAE
It’s fantastic! I’m a mother and full time quran student and I feel this course puts no pressure on me and i can study, learn, implement and remind myself of deen in my own comfort zone. Very simple course, easily understood and it’s actually motivated me to keep going into longer courses in’sha’Allah. I feel like I’m doing something for myself without actually having the pressure of being in class and timetables. And the best part is the whole family learns with me! Jazakom Allahu khair for these beautiful courses
So many revived sunan in my home now Alhamdulilah even things I had known but forgotten to implement, I have learned many things and I’m happy I did this course and can’t wait for the next one!
Ronia Iskandar - Australia
The course was really a reminder of the sunnah prayers that are commonly ignored. Alhamdulillah got to know about theur importance and assignments helped to implement them in our life. The processes were beautifully and clearly elaborated Ma Sha Allah. And the tips for khushoo were helpful as well. Barakallahu feekum.
Bayern Nakalema - Kuwait
I loved all of the topic that we've tackled in this course. the most i loved all amongst part is salat al tawbah that a proven as sunnah, and my favorite parts in it when the messenger of ALLAH salallahu alaihi wassallam said that there is no one whi committed a sin then he she purifies himself well and stand and pray two raka'ah, then asked ALLAH for forgiveness, and ALLAH will forgive him.
Allah, may He be exalted, says: Verily, the good deeds remove the evil deeds. ma shaa ALLAH.. ALLAH loves us whatever we do sins. he always gives to us, a chance to repent to him, to ask ALLAH's forgiveness. and ALLAH forgive those who truly wants forgiveness of him.
Aslima Alulong Pangcatan - Phillipines
I like that the notes are elaborate info/sources and also mindfully written.. My favorite is the class on Khushoo’
I have learnt SO much.. I was not well informed about a lot of Sunnah. The motivation to do better in life for my hereafter has increased. So far I’ve implemented a lot of the Sunnah practices and MashaaAllah I thought it would be hard, but Allah has made it simple for me through you...
Zofeerah Binte Mohammad Roum - Singapore
I have gained a lot from this course Alhamdolillah. Many misconceptions were cleared. My favourite part was giving exam and reading about which prayers were actually sunan.
Subhan ALLĀH, it changed me. I started praying more sunnah prayers.
Fawaz Abbasi - Saudi Arabia